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Bucks County commissioner withdraws support of lawsuit against oil companies over climate change

The two Democratic commissioners in the majority say they are moving ahead with the lawsuit. Bucks County's minority commissioner, Gene DiGirolamo, has withdrawn his support of a lawsuit against oil companies over climate change, stating he no longer supports the lawsuit. This decision does not prevent the lawsuit from moving forward. The county wants the oil and gas industry to pay for damage from extreme weather. The lawsuit alleges that the companies have deceived the public about these harms. The two Democratic commissioners in the majority are moving ahead with the lawsuit, pending further deliberations.

Bucks County commissioner withdraws support of lawsuit against oil companies over climate change

Published : 2 months ago by WFMZ-TV in Environment

Bucks County's minority commissioner says he no longer supports a lawsuit against oil companies over climate change.

His decision will not stop the suit from moving forward, though.

Commissioner Gene DiGirolamo, a Republican, says he's reconsidered his vote over the last week.

Bucks County wants the oil and gas industry to pay for damage from extreme weather.

The lawsuit claims the companies have deceived the public about these harms.

The two Democratic commissioners in the majority say they are moving ahead with the lawsuit.

Topics: Lawsuits, Climate Change, ESG

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