The Philadelphia Grid Philadelphia

Food & Wine Gives Philly Love In 2024 Global Tastemakers Lists

The city itself was lauded as one of the best places for bakeries, and a bar in Philly was named among the nation's best. See details here. Food & Wine has named Philadelphia as one of its top food and travel journalists in its Global Tastemakers lists. The publication asked over 180 food and wine journalists to nominate their favorite restaurants, bars, bakeries, markets, cities, hotels, airports, and cruises. Philadelphia was ranked 15th on the top bar list, while Andra Hem at 218 S. 16th St. was ranked No. 15 on the 10 best cities for bakeries. Food & Wine also ranked Philadelphia among the "15 Top Bars in the US" and the "10 Top US Cities for Bakeries."

Food & Wine Gives Philly Love In 2024 Global Tastemakers Lists

发表 : 2个月前 经过 Max BennettTravel

"This year, we asked more than 180 food and travel journalists from across the globe to nominate their favorite restaurants, bars, bakeries, markets, cities, hotels, airports, airlines, and cruises around the world," according to the publication. "We then entrusted that feedback to an expert panel of judges to rank each category’s winners."

Philadelphia got recognition in two categories: the "15 Top Bars in the US," and the "10 Top US Cities for Bakeries."

First, let's look at which Philly bar earned the accolade. Andra Hem at 218 S. 16th St. was ranked No. 15 on the top bar list.

"Andra Hem is a proper drinks lounge, pure and simple. The aesthetic is clean yet warm; formal yet approachable," Brad Japhe writes. "The Lambhattan is a curious standout take on the classic American whiskey drink spiced up with lamb-washed bourbon. It sounds bizarre, yet works oh so well." See the full list of the top bars in the U.S. online here.

And for bakeries, Philadelphia's plentiful offerings landed it at No. 10 among the 10 best cities for bakeries.

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