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Card-Skimming Device Found At Cinnaminson Store

Anyone who recently used their card at the 7-Eleven should review their statements for suspicious activity, police said. A skimming device was discovered at 7-Eleven in Cinnaminson, New Jersey, leaving customers at risk of fraudulent transactions with their personal information. The device was spotted by a customer and police are investigating whether it was installed. Card skimming occurs when devices are illegally placed on ATMs, fuel pumps, and other locations to capture personal data and PINs, which is then used to create fake debit or credit cards. Anyone who recently used their credit or debit card at the 7-eleven should review their statements for potentially fraudulent activity. If you see a suspicious transaction, immediately notify your bank or credit card company and then call the Cinnaninson Police Department's non-emergency line at 856-829-6666.

Card-Skimming Device Found At Cinnaminson Store

نشرت : قبل شهر بواسطة Josh Bakan في Tech

CINNAMINSON, NJ — A skimming device was discovered at 7-Eleven in Cinnaminson, leaving some customers at risk of fraudulent transactions with their personal information.

A customer noticed the skimming device Monday at the store. As of Tuesday morning, Cinnaminson police are reviewing surveillance footage to see when it was installed. Card skimming occurs when devices are illegally placed on ATMs, fuel pumps and other locations to capture personal data and cardholders' PINs. Offenders use that information to create fake debit or credit cards and then steal from victims' accounts.

Skimming can involve the use of pinhole cameras, which record a customer entering their PIN. Find out more on the FBI's card-skimming information page. Anyone who recently used their credit or debit card at the 7-Eleven should review their statements for potentially fraudulent activity, police said. If you see a suspicious transaction, immediately notify your bank or credit card company and then call the Cinnaminson Police Department's non-emergency line at 856-829-6666 to make a report.

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