The Philadelphia Grid Philadelphia
David Apothaker & Associates LLC

David Apothaker & Associates LLC


1 Reviews


  • David Apothaker & Associates LLC
  • David Apothaker & Associates LLC



The DJ apossaketer continued to talk about his claim. This letter is about harassment and fraud that this person operates with a degree in law.

Your claim is very timely and prohibited by prescription. The statute of limitations limits the debts and prevents the legal execution of the debts.
As a lawyer, should I not know this?

I think I have considered the first delinquent date of the Experience Credit Survey or Equivalent Credit Survey for this account.
/> (First Late Date)                 11/2007  
(statute)                      + 4 years
(No Legal Enforcement)           11/2011.  

I think you are not ignorant, but have an average math skill. So the letter to me is harassment or fraud, and this is a violation of the law.  

Do not use any oral or written communications with me under the Fair Debt Collection Act.

If you care, additional harassment will be reported to the Pennsylvania Attorney General and the Pennsylvania Union.

Your parents must be proud to be an Internet Oteka, educated Scavenger Hill. If I were my son, I would be very proud of you.


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